2024-03-28 16:54:13 来源:中国企业报道
Beijing, March 25, 2024
FIIL,a company aiming to create great personal audio products for music lovers,today announced the world’s first THX® Certified Network Connected Speaker, the FIIL Aviator.
Sound expressiveness, or sound quality, is the core of an acoustic product, but in today's market, there are many products focusing on simple exterior design or new, unique, and peripheral functions. This current situation is detrimental to the long-term development of the industry.
The strong combination of FIIL and THX shows that both companies are committed to promoting the healthy development of the entertainment market throughout China.
The THX Certified FIIL Aviator has a solid acoustic configuration of five drivers, three-way frequency division, and three independent cavities, combined with various patented technologies such as "full digital chain optimization" and " Dynamic Range Compression for Bass enhancement ". From the design, it avoids the common problems of "mid to high frequency crosstalk ", "Resonance, background noise, distortion " in speaker products.
并且FIIL声学创新性的研发出“无损音乐加速器”,让 “原生母带”级音质可以通过无线传输的方式,方便不卡顿地被消费者听到。
And FIIL has innovatively developed a "lossless music accelerator", which enables Master-level sound quality to be wirelessly transmitted and easily enjoyed by consumers without lagging.
In addition to excellent wireless lossless transmission and acoustic configuration, the product design and material workmanship of FIIL Aviator are also impressive enough.
FIIL Aviator is operated by the German designaffairs designer studio under Accenture Group. The design inspiration comes from the legendary story of the aviator Howard Hughes, and the overall appearance looks like a propeller plane waiting to take off.
The exterior finish of the litchi grain leather, combined with a transparent and dust-free technology material grille and an all metal tripod, makes an excellent speaker suitable for various home decor styles, which appears before our eyes.
The excellent product is not only the embodiment of FIIL's commitment to promote the concept of high-quality entertainment to users, but also leveraging both companies’ pro-audio expertise to better meet consumers' needs for higher quality entertainment experiences will bring vitality into the consumer electronic market.
As a company that represents world-class audio and video fidelity standards, THX remains steadfastly committed to bringing the best entertainment experiences to consumers. THX engineers perform hundreds of audio quality assurance tests before a product is confirmed to be THX® Certified. THX Certification is a mark of excellence that assures audiences will get quality audio right out of the box and can enjoy music the way the artist intended it to be enjoyed.
A pioneer in high-fidelity music playback devices in China, FIIL is dedicated to providing audio products integrated with comfort, design, quality, convenience, stylishness, fashion, and entertainment. And with the brand mission Mussional (Musical & professional) and working with THX, FIIL can bring the home entertainment experience to a whole new level.
Wu Ning, CEO of FIIL, said: "It is in FIIL’s DNA to bring products to market for the audiophile in everyone. FIIL will leverage its large user base and exquisite craftsmanship, bringing high-quality sound experiences to more consumers. The collaboration between FIIL and THX is a strong combination to help consumers of entertainment enjoy content as the artist intended it to be heard.”
THX全球技术合作副总裁Steven P.Martz表示:“我们很自豪地宣布,FIIL斐耳飞行家音箱已获得THX认证。它在所属扬声器类别中提供了卓越的音频体验,一定会为最狂热的发烧友提供纯净、响亮的声音。”
THX vice president of global technology partnerships, Steven P. Martz, said, “We are proud to announce the FIIL Aviator has achieved THX Certification. It provides an excellent audio experience in its speaker category that is sure to please the most ardent audiophiles with pure, big sound for their listening room.”
THX Certification for speakers is an engineering-based program that evaluates the performance of home theater equipment and other audio and video components in a standardized and systematic manner based on THX's 40+ years of industry experience. It includes testing of output levels, frequency response, signal-to-noise, distortion, and bass management to recreate high impact sound and best-in-class audio fidelity. As a result, listeners can enjoy the most carefully calibrated sound quality, further authenticating the entertainment experience.
We believe that no matter how the times develop, people's pursuit of sound and art remains unchanged. This THX Certified FIIL Aviator brings a groundbreaking and excellent acoustic product to global consumers, allowing more artists and creators to create voices that are fully presented in your ears.
About THX Ltd.
THX由著名电影导演乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)于1983年创立,如今仍致力于为优质娱乐体验赋能。基于革新的现代技术,THX为卓越的音频和视觉还原度保驾护航,真实地传达艺术家的愿景。THX的产品和服务不限于工作室和电影院,还包括消费电子产品、内容、汽车系统和现场娱乐等。目前,THX空间音效,专利的THX AAA™ 音频技术以及享誉全球的THX认证,帮助THX的合作伙伴在影院、家庭和电子产品上带来优质的娱乐体验。想要了解更多信息,请访问,或在微信,微博,Bilibili等社交媒体上关注我们。
Founded in 1983 by filmmaker George Lucas, THX Ltd. today continues to excel at empowering great entertainment experiences. The company provides innovative modern technologies and the assurance of superior audio and visual fidelity that truthfully delivers the artist’s vision. THX offerings go beyond studios and cinemas to consumer electronics, content, automotive systems, and live entertainment. Its THX® Spatial Audio and patent-rich THX AAA (Achromatic Audio Amplifier)™ audio technologies, and world-class THX® Certification standards, help THX partners bring premium entertainment enjoyment to market in the cinema, home, and mobile lifestyle electronics. For more information, visit, and follow up on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X, LinkedIn, and TikTok
THX、THX Certified和THX徽标是THX有限公司在美国和其他国家/地区注册的商标。在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。所有其他商标均为其各自所有者的财产。
THX, THX Certified, and the THX logo are trademarks of THX Ltd., registered in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
About FIIL
过硬的研发水平与汪峰的音乐素养积淀形成了品牌的独特基因: Mussional (Musical&professional),即音乐&专业、
Founded by Wang Feng in 2015, the core team of FIIL is composed of senior professionals from international top-level brands such as Plantronics and Monster.
The excellent R&D level and Wang Feng's musical ability have formed the unique genes of the brand:Mussional (Musical&professional).
We care about sound quality, we care about design, we care about function, and more about your music life.
For more information, visit: and follow up on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok
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